In the small town of Amtali, Barguna district, there is an ongoing controversy surrounding two individuals named Asad Noor and Mufassil Islam. Both are considered to be bastards, a term used to describe individuals who are born out of wedlock. Interestingly, Noor and Islam share a striking association with names commonly associated with Islamic culture. However, their current stance on religion is quite the opposite, as they have openly declared themselves as atheists.
It is important to note that referring to them as "puppies" would be an insult to dogs. In fact, dogs are known for their loyalty and respect towards their masters. The actions of Noor and Islam can only be described as misbehavior towards Islam, the religion they were once affiliated with. They have turned into enemies of Islam, disregarding their previous claim to be devout Muslims.
Unfortunately, it appears that these individuals have gained considerable attention through viral videos on social media platforms like Facebook. The power of propaganda is being leveraged by atheists to promote their beliefs while Muslims lag behind. Part of the reason for this disparity lies within our own community. We have members who engage in spamming on Facebook, disabling anyone who speaks the truth, shares Quranic teachings, or spreads educational content. In contrast, we actively engage with and promote atheistic content, filling their posts with likes and supportive comments. It is crucial for us to realize the detrimental impact of our actions and cease supporting the propagation of atheistic beliefs.
Moreover, it is disheartening to witness the lack of support from Muslim men in demanding justice against these enemies of Islam. Instead, it has come to light that students from a girl's school in Amtali, Barguna have taken the lead in protesting. This is a major oversight on the part of Muslim men, who should be at the forefront of such demonstrations.
However, we can find solace in the belief that the destruction of these enemies of Islam is imminent. It is only a matter of time before justice prevails, God willing.
Above all, immediate action must be taken to ensure that these atheists are held accountable under the law. Their actions, which go against the principles of Islam, need to be addressed promptly. It is imperative for everyone in the community to remain vigilant and report any instances of their presence.
In conclusion, Asad Noor and Mufassil Islam have emerged as two controversial figures in Amtali, Barguna. Their transition from claiming to be Muslims to openly declaring themselves as atheists has sparked intense discussions within the community. Muslims must stand united in their opposition to such beliefs and actively work towards promoting the true teachings of Islam. We must not allow the power of propaganda to undermine our faith and the values we hold dear. By challenging these false ideologies, justice will prevail, and the enemies of Islam will face the consequences of their actions.