In this method, Facebook provides a $250 threshold for advertising. To utilize this method effectively, there are a few resources that you will need:
1. USA RDP: You can use Azure or Amazon AWS to acquire a USA RDP.
2. USA Bank Account: You will need a bank account in Bank of America.
3. USA Old ID: It is essential to have a USA old ID that is at least one year old.
4. Brave Browser: Use the Brave browser exclusively for this method.
Let's go through the steps to implement this method:
1. Bank of America Bank Account: Open a Bank of America bank account if you don't have one already.
2. Facebook Payment Method Setup: Log in to and navigate to Settings and Privacy > Settings > Ads Payment. Make sure your account currency is set to USD.
3. Add Payment Method: Click on "Add Payment Method" and select "Online Banking." Search for the bank you have created (Bank of America) and enter your bank username and password. This will add your payment method to Facebook.
4. Wait for 7 Days: Without refreshing the page, close the window and give it at least 7 days of rest.
5. Create Ads: After the 7-day rest period, access the Ads Manager and create your ads. Once your ad is approved by Facebook, proceed to the payment method page.
6. Threshold Activation: Congratulations! Your ad has been approved, and now it's time to activate your $250 threshold. Browse to the payment method page, and there you will find your threshold amount.
By following these steps, you can successfully utilize the Facebook $250 threshold for advertising purposes. Remember to use the Brave browser, as mentioned earlier, and ensure all the necessary resources are in place. With this method, you can enjoy the benefits of the $250 threshold and enhance your advertising strategies on Facebook.
In conclusion, by utilizing the Facebook $250 Threshold Method as outlined above, you can take advantage of the given threshold and optimize your ads agency's advertising efforts. Remember to follow the steps carefully and make sure all the required resources are in place to achieve successful results. Good luck with your advertising campaigns!